Preset Parameters for Renderwow on Your computer - Needs Attention【phenomenon】

Renderwow - 5/25/18 17:20

1. Render setup page

Preset settings

Preset settings, and select the desired preset file from the drop-down menu to be . RPS files.

2. In general, the scenario parameters after the default file will follow the preset change. As shown in the figure below:

Scenario parameters

3. The preset can be rendered directly after the preset is selected in the local rendering process. However, if you submit to Renderwow rendering, you should pay attention to restoring the default bar to the default state. As shown in the following figure:

Default parameter recovery default Settings

4. If the preset column does not return to the default direct submission to Renderwow rendering, the following pop-up will occur and render the task failed.

Error popover causing task rendering failure

Error popover causing task rendering failure

Error popover causing task rendering failure

【The solution】

After local selection of the preset file to import parameters. Returning the preset to the default option resubmission task can be rendered normally in renderwow.